How to clean your glasses

Jamie, co-founder

Last Update 3 years ago

Are you guilty of the "shirt rub" when your lenses get a bit cloudy?

A quick wipe with your shirt can be a great fix, but over time these shortcuts can lead to long term lens damage. 

Those fancy lens coatings can become damaged if you keep wiping them on your clothes.

Check out these two cleaning routines.

Dry method (30 secs.)

With each of our handmade frames, we provide you with a microfibre lens cloth. 

In this particular order, use it to clean your;

  1. Temples
  2. Lenses 
  3. Nosebridge

Why in this order I hear you ask?

Natural oils from your skin tends to build up on your nose pads which can be transferred to your lenses via your lens cloth. It's a good idea to clean your nose bridges last.

Once in a while, throw your loth in with your laundry.

This way you aren't using a dirty cloth to clean your glasses. 

Wet method (5 mins.)

Once a week, you should give your glasses a proper clean in your bathroom sink.

Using lukewarm water, add a few drops of regular washing-up-liquid and dunk your frame straight in there.

If your frame's made from acetate make sure the water isn't too hot as it can damage any lens coatings and even warp your glasses.

Gently rub your lenses with your thumbs to remove any greasy marks.

Leave to drip dry and wipe clear with your microfibre cloth.

Extra bonus points

You can get into your frame's hinges using a toothbrush.

But please, avoid scrubbing your lenses if you are going to take it this far.

You heard it here.

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