What are the 5 sunglasses categories?

Jamie, co-founder

Last Update 3 years ago

Sun lenses can vary in colour darkness.

Their darkness is measured by the amount of light they block, otherwise known as absorption or ABS%.

Depending on their absorption percentage, sun lenses can be one of five categories.

Category 0 lenses have very little tint which barely reduces the darkness of the lens. With as little as 5% of the light being absorbed, these lenses are mostly entirely clear and used for prescription spectacles.

Category 1 lenses are slightly more obvious in colour, but are too light for use as everyday sunglasses. Category 1 lenses are basically a coloured spectacle lens which offer mild relief on bright days. A popular choice for people who live in very sunny climates or suffer from light sensitivity

Category 2 lenses are the halfway point between a very dark spectacle lens and a light sunglasses lens. Their colouration is prominent and absorbs about half of sunlight through the lens. Category 2 lenses can be used as sunglasses on moderately bright or overcast days.

Category 3 lenses absorb two thirds of visible light making them suitable as everyday sunglasses for activities such as sport, driving or a blue-sky day on the beach. Banton Frameworks sunglasses are category 3.

Category 4 lenses are the darkest sun lenses you can get. Because they absorb so much visible light, they’re illegal to wear for driving. Generally, these lenses are only suitable for extreme exposure scenarios such as high-altitude mountaineering. 

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